Asha for Education-Purdue chapter invites you to participate in our annual Art and Photography Exhibition-“Hues” on the 31st of March, from 11 am to 6 pm, at Purdue Memorial Union, South Ballroom. We are currently accepting pieces of any kind of art and all categories of photographs for the juried exhibition where you will also have a chance to win prizes! We are accepting entries from all age-groups. If interested, please register at right now and tell us what you will be submitting.
Last date for submitting entries is 28th of March, Wednesday.
In addition to the exhibition, we are also organizing three workshops on relief printmaking, textured collages and pottery by renowed faculty from the college of Liberal Arts at Purdue. All children will need to be accompanied by their parents.
We will provide all the material for the workshops and some snacks if the participants are registered at: all for a small fee of $10. All the money that is generated from the event will go towards Asha’s projects in India which provide support to mentally disabled kids, orphaned kids or kids from economically or socio-culturally disadvantaged backgrounds. Please contact Rohil Jain (765-476-6982) for more details on the event.
Guidelines for submissions:
1. art work has to be original, any medium, preferably not framed
2. Photographs have to be original. Minimum size 8″ x 10″. Please take good quality prints.
3. Every participant pays the registration fee only once. Upto 5 pieces of art + 5 photographs can be submitted. Fee also includes participation in all workshops and food.
4. We will be collecting art work on 26, 27 and 28 of March in front of Purdue Memorial Union Amazon shop from 5:30-7 pm or from home by fixing an appointment on or before 28th March at Please use the subject “Hues Submission from home needed”.