Asha Purdue 5K Runners Facebook Event Page: Registration Link:
(Registration Fees: $5 for Students, $10 for Non-Students)
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Team Asha Purdue is back on track this year again, to make a difference to the lives of kids in India as well as in Greater Lafayette Area. ASHA for Education – Purdue Chapter is organizing “5K Run/Walk for Kids” in collaboration with Indian Women’s Association, Purdue Cricket Club andMy Owl Fitness on 15th April 2017. Since 2012, this event has raised ~$ 13,000 for supporting education of hundreds of underpriveleged children in India. This year, we continue this event and pledge to run few miles to bring smiles on the faces of underprivileged children back in India by providing them quality education. We will also contribute part of funds raised to local Lyn Treece Boys and Girls Club of Tippecanoe County. So join us in the run and promote the cause of quality education! If you are interested in being part of this great cause it’s never late, send us an email at
Please support our projects by running for the cause and/or your generous donations. You can register and participate in the run. In addition, you can run and raise funds for the projects. If you don’t want to run, you can donate any amount as per your wish, anything small or big would make a difference in the lives of kids.
What: 5K Run/Walk for Kids
When: April 15th, 2017, Registration-8:30 AM, Run starts- 9:00 AM
Where: Engineering Fountain (Purdue University, 610 Purdue Mall, West Lafayette, IN 47906)
Registration Fee: $5 for students, $10 for non-students.
(Note: Below 18 requires parental consent at the time of registration on site.)
Event Organized by: ASHA for Education – Purdue Chapter, Indian Women’s Association, Purdue Cricket Club and My Owl Fitness.